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Physiotherapy exercise classes are dynamic, effective and safe, low to moderate load, rehabilitation classes that focus on starting you moving after injury, surgery or life events such as pregnancy. It is also a great place to get to know how your body moves, to learn technique and develop core control to take into other movement arenas (the gym, the pavement, the bike etc).

Exercises are clinically reasoned and blend current research, Pilates, strength and conditioning and core stability in order to promote flexibility, strength, balance, core control and postural endurance. Pilates equipment, weights, steps and various props such as rollers, fitness balls, Theraband, wobble boards etc. are used to keep your program interesting and challenging. 

Through Physiotherapy Exercise Classes, you will get to know how your body works and moves and get a good work-out. There are no age limits and the exercises can be progressed or regressed to any level of fitness or stage of injury. Your current flexibility, strength, movement patterns and current and past injury patterns will be personally assessed so a program can be designed to meet your specific needs.

Pilates at Unley Physiotherapy lasts for 60 minutes.  It is facilitated by a qualified physiotherapist and restricted to a maximum of 6 participants.

The World Health Organisation promotes 150 min a week of moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise and TWO strengthening sessions or more a week. Regular exercising using has been proven to benefit:

  • Hip pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Low back pain
  • Work-related injuries
  • Neck pain/headaches
  • Mental health
  • Lower limb injuries
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